Chrislaura Carmo, Joseany M.S. Almeida, Juliana Araújo, Christopher M.A. Brett, Maria Filomena Botelho, Armando Cordova, Mafalda Laranjo, Abílio J.F.N. Sobral, "Exploring the impact of meso-position fluorination on BODIPYs: Synthesis, electrochemical insights, and potential therapeutic applications in breast cancer". Dyes and Pigments 229 (2024) 112263. DOI 10.1016/j.dyepig.2024.112263


António Aguiar, Joana Farinhas, Wanderson da Silva, Isabel C. Santos, Luís Alcácer, Christopher M.A. Brett, Jorge Morgado, Abílio J.F.N. Sobral, "New series of BODIPY dyes: Synthesis, characterization and applications in photovoltaic cells and light-emitting diodes". Dyes and Pigments 193 (2021) 109517. DOI 10.1016/j.dyepig.2021.109517



In 2015, Abílio Sobral published a book on laboratory projects for the synthesis of pyrroles and porphyrins. As an area where the author conducts much of his research, it was natural to compile and organize various experiments, framing them within the same theoretical perspective that unites them: the chemistry of biologically and technologically relevant heterocycles, from hemoglobin to oxygenation reaction catalysts and porphyrin-based polymers. The book, titled "Laboratory Projects for the Synthesis of Pyrroles and Porphyrins," is structured as a collection of standalone laboratory projects of varying complexity, designed for use in internships or laboratory classes in Organic Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry courses. Its publication was fully supported by FCT. The first edition was released in September 2015. Legal Deposit: 398768/15. Pages: 159. ISBN: 978-989-20-6038-5.