Elsevier Book Edition on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Artificial Intelligence

We are proud to announce the publication of an Elsevier Book Edition, edited by Alberto Pais, Carla Vitorino, Sandra Nunes, and Tânia Firmino Cova. This book compiles contributions from leading experts worldwide and explores the integration of AI in Pharmaceutical Sciences. It showcases our cutting-edge research on predictive modeling and advanced drug delivery systems. This achievement underscores our laboratory's leadership in merging AI with pharmaceutical research and our commitment to innovative, interdisciplinary approaches.



Maria Mendes, Ph.D. from CQC and FFUC was awarded with the APV Award for the Most Outstanding Doctoral Thesis 2022/23 

On March 19th, Maria Manuel da Costa Mendes, Ph.D. from CQC and FFUC, received the "APV (International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology) Award for the Most Outstanding Doctoral Thesis 2022/23."

The work was supervised by Professors Carla Vitorino, João José Sousa, and Alberto Pais. The committee involved in evaluating the theses is internationally recognized in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology.

The award was presented at the 14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, and Pharmaceutical Technology, which took place in Vienna.



Project winner at the 4th edition of the initiative Promotion of Scientific Culture


On May 13, 2024, the science communication initiative "Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery" was awarded as part of the 4th edition of the UC Promotion of Scientific Culture initiative (which provides financial support for science communication activities of an interdisciplinary and cultural scientific nature). This project is a collaboration between CISUC (Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra) and CQC (Coimbra Chemistry Centre), coordinated by Prof. Joel Arrais (CISUC), with additional team members including Prof. Tiago Pereira (CISUC), Prof, Carla Vitorino, and researcher Tânia Firmino Cova.


Project winner at UC Proof of Concept Competition By Santander Universities


On December 20th, the project "3BBBioprinting: 3D-bioprinting of blood-brain barrier for modeling lipid nanoparticle access to brain tumors" was awarded by the "UC Proof of Concept Competition By Santander Universities." with the main promoter being Prof. Carla Vitorino. The project team members are Carla Vitorino, Maria Mendes, João Basso, João José Sousa, Alberto Pais, Tânia Cova, Sandra Nunes, Ana Fortuna, and José Catita.



Carla Vitorino auxiliary professor at University of Coimbra was awarded with the Young Investigator Award of Bioinspired and Biomimetic Delivery Focus Group by the Controlled Release Society 2021