Recent Projects

101131771 – Lasers4EU – European Laser Research Infrastructures serving Science and Industry

            Program: HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01-03
            Funding: 5.000.000 € (Coimbra LaserLab 224.046 €), 2024-2028
            PI: Coimbra LaserLab Director (Luis Arnaut)


ANTIMICMAT – Photoactive antimicrobial materials for indwelling medical devices

            Program: EUREKA Globalstars Brazil 2022-17848//GS Brazil 2022 / ANTIMICMAT
            Funding:  1.026.250 € (University of Coimbra 100,000 €), 2023-2026
            PI: LaserLeap Technologies Chairman (Luis Arnaut)


FOTOMIC – Foto-inativação de largo espectro de micro-organismos

            Program: PO Centro (PT2020), 181218
            Funding:  145.337,14 €, 2022-2023
            PI: Luis Arnaut


Deliver-Detect-Defeat (DDD): How to place macromolecules in target cells and make therapies work

            Program: PTDC/QUI-OUT/0303/2021
            Funding:  249.978,88 €, 2022-2025
            PI: Luis Arnaut


Summer School Experimental Medicinal Chemistry - Química Medicinal Experimental

            Program: FCT: Verão com Ciência, 2020
            Funding: 14 research grants, 1 junior research grant (35.159 €)
            PI: Luis Arnaut


 The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures

            Program: H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2018, 871124 — LASERLAB-EUROPE V
            Financiamento: 10.000.000 € (Coimbra LaserLab funding 150.000 €), 2019-2024
            Coimbra LaserLab Director: Luis Arnaut – membro do Joint Research Activities Board

 L.A.S.E.R.- P

            Program: Compete 2020 30218, 01-06-2019 – 31-05-2022
            Total funding: 1,071,604 € (Coimbra LaserLab funding 277.679 €, 2019-2021)
            PI at the University of Coimbra: Luis Arnaut
            Funding:  1.026.250 € (University of Coimbra 100,000 €), 2023-2026
            PI: LaserLeap Technologies CEO (Carlos Serpa)

LaserLab Portugal

            Program: ROTEIRO/0152/2013, 2017-2020
            Financiamento: 2.510.290 € (Coimbra LaserLab 1.864.190 €, 2017-2020)
            PI: Coimbra LaserLab Director (Luis Arnaut)

Photoacoustic Permeabilization of Biological Barriers – A Window for Drug Delivery and Gene Transfection

           Program: PTDC/QEQ-MED/3521/2014, 2016-2020
           Funding:  232.800 €, 2016-19
           PI: Luis Arnaut

Portuguese Science Foundation PhD Program on Medicinal Chemistry

           Program: PD/00147/2013, 2014-2022
           Funding: 28 research grants, 30 PhD scholarships and 100.000 €.
           PI: Luis Arnaut

Green Silicon

            Program: PRR-Recovery and Resilience Plan and Next Generation EU European Funds, NOTICE No. 02/C05-i01/2022, Component 5 - Capitalization and Business Innovation - Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, under the project Greenauto-PPS11 with the reference 7255, C629367795-00464440
            Funding: University of Coimbra: 731 233,76 €, Oct 2022 – Sep 2025
            PI: Carlos Serpa

SOUNDFUSION – Geração de ondas fotoacústicas ressonantes em paládio com hidrogénio

           Program: PO Centro (PT2020), 181252
           Funding:  146.401,76 €, 2022-2023
           PI:  Carlos Serpa

Unveil the role of lipid oxidation on immunogenic cell death

           Program: FCT EXPL/BIA-CEL/1295/2021
           Total funding: 49.940,00 €, 2022-2023
           PI: Lígia Gomes da Silva 

Design and phot-optimization of photosensitizer for human health and food security applications, or “how light can save lives”

           Program: H2020, MSCA-ITN-EJD, 01-01-2018 – 31-12-2022
           Total funding: 2.548.256 € (University of Coimbra funding: 265.227 € )
           PI at the University of Coimbra: Lígia Gomes da Silva