
Cláudio M. Nunes






The Laboratory of Molecular Cryospectroscopy (LMC) conducts advanced research activities and training in the fields of molecular spectroscopy, molecular structure, and chemical reactivity. It serves as a reference laboratory in matrix isolation IR spectroscopy and has recently expanded its capabilities to conduct research under cold solution conditions using UV/VIS and IR spectroscopies, as well as computational chemistry. Research topics of interest at the LMC includes: quantum tunneling chemistry, vibrational excitation chemistry, organic reaction mechanisms, reactive intermediates, and the development of new materials and catalysts.



Join Our Reseach Team

Master’s Projects: We offer research projects primarily in the areas of Physical Organic Chemistry and Computational Chemistry. These projects may involve investigations into reaction mechanisms and reactivity studies, molecular structure, quantum tunneling, and catalysis.

PhD Projects: We welcome graduate students interested in conducting research at the frontier of knowledge in the following areas: quantum tunneling reactivity in organic and biological systems, design of molecular magnets based on nitrene and carbene species, organocatalysis and N-heterocyclic carbenes. These investigations may involve collaborations with institutions in Germany, USA, and Spain. Contact Prof. Cláudio M. Nunes and apply for a PhD grant through the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT).

Postdocs: We are open to host experienced PhD holders who are motivated to conduct advanced fundamental scientific research in pioneering areas of interest to our group. Contact Prof. Cláudio M. Nunes to discuss research ideas and explore potential funding opportunities to support your position.